Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's JINKS Time

it's JINKS time again..
when i had my first interaction with "seniors" back in first year ragging days, not much unlike the first words you say in years of a new-born, I heard JINKS-loud and clear and fascinating.. well, it's been six years and JINKS rolls on.. now it's the our fuchas who are organising it this time. got a call for a no-longer-fucha today and i couldn't help remembering the 'summer of 69'.
From arranging chairs and making human chains, being the not-so neutral witness to the first ever mini-riot right during one of our dance performances, watching the crowd cheer my dhodi-clad and panicked friend as he performed his histrionics in the name of classical dancing-that too in middle of a hitherto western number. ( we got awarded incidentally -my friend getting his pics splashed prominently all the newspapers being icing on the cake). In my first JINKS i saw the then-final yr senior getting hurt, blood oozing out of his face, and of course the mayhem that followed, all amid the performances rolling on..We have this rare spirit of showing guts to face up anything and move on-it's not only the Raj Kapoor who says show must go on.-we did that too. and enjoyed it like anything for that matter..
In the first year i somehow managed to get 6-7 podium finishes in three days, creating a sort of NIFFT record, I think equaled by one of the most lovable person i have met on campus, or indeed anywhere so far-Mithun Mridha Sir of 05 batch.
Well that's JINKS 04 for you.. many more memories come flooding-the cliched-but-apt flooding down.. maybe for some other time..
to close I'd say now-as ever, our bacchas need us for usual reasons, and atleast i won't mind them for the little mosture hard to find anywhere else..
for years that was home, or more than home for many.. and JINKS the biggest celebration for us.
It's JINKS again friends-- so i guess all that we must to is, to have-boisterous, mischievious fun wherever we are


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